Line Point Design - Story
So much more than a art map Company

Line Point Design is a disability owned and operated Art Map Company dedicated to creating beautiful and unique hand-crafted maps with vibrant colors, vintage style and animals. Line Point Designs is so much more than an art map company. It is the birth child of a beautiful, tenacious, and inspiring journey of self-discovery and endurance.
Growing up in France, my life took a significant turn when I was five years old. I was diagnosed with dyslexia and quickly learned that I would have to go the extra mile and embrace resilience to succeed in school. Many people gave up on me, and I was the subject of bullying and ridicule like most disabled people. However, I did not stop pushing and fighting even when the odds were against me. After many difficult years of school,

I, unfortunately, did not get the chance to go to college and ended up working as a retailer. My faith and self-belief did not waiver, and I was finally able to find a Co-op Program to pursue my college degree. In the program, I found an understanding and supportive community of classmates and professors. My classmates understood my learning challenges, and my professors handled me with patience, taking their time to teach me and provide feedback. They embraced me for who I am and encouraged me to keep hope and aim for the stars.
I moved to Vancouver after college and quickly found my footing in the city. I was privileged enough to work in different retail stores across the city. When the Covid-19 global pandemic hit, I lost my job and had to find other ways to make ends meet.

I firmly believe that every situation is a learning opportunity. I decided to seize the opportunity and work on my creativity by designing maps. Drawing inspiration from my personal experience as a person living with dyslexia, I aimed to create a functional and engaging map that is easy and fun to read and follow through for everybody. My story is a testament that your life experiences and challenges do not define you. You have the power and the strength to re-write your story!
I hope to bring joy, sunshine, and inspiration to everybody who feels lost, people living with disabilities, and those who have lost faith in themselves, one creative map at a time.